984 modules, or 7,872 folds. Folded, unfolded, badly folded, crooked, too pronounced, invisible, sometimes stained. Not to mention the misfolds, the torn and the lost. Paper twists and folds in mountains and valleys. And the modules formed accumulate, grow, swarm and multiply. Flexibility gives way to frail rigidity. I make a multitude, an infinity, to create a unity, to engender a form. An egg, a piece of fruit, a flower - it's up to each of us to see another identity in them. The form is reassuring, familiar, yet intriguing. And I continue to assemble, stack and nest the triangles ad infinitum.
A few stitches of glue for the smallest of rings, without wanting to admit that it's cheating. A few stitches to tighten the second. And that's it, after two weeks.
(Translated from French)

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